We use the twelve step program throughout all our residential rehab centres. This site should cover everything you needed to know about the program. Which is used in pretty much all rehab centres. The program is well known for its use in treating addictive and dysfunctional behaviours. The first twelve step program began with Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) back in the 1930s and has steadily grown to be the most widely used approach in dealing not only with recovery from alcoholism, but also from drug abuse and various other addictive and dysfunctional behaviours. All our drug and alcohol rehab centres now use the twelve step program as it works.
For help and advice on addiction issues and rehab centres
Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)
All calls are confidential
ADUS Healthcare – Est: 2009. We have been helping 100’s of people every year with addictions to drugs or alcohol. We offer help and advice on all aspects of addiction and substance abuse. Call our team for more help and advice on Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)
Twelve Step
The twelve step program was invented by Alcoholics Anonymous to aid and guide programs in rehab situations, helping clients with addiction to drugs and alcohol. This is used in all good rehab centres. You will find the twelve steps here in this website. There are some centre which claim not to use the twelve step program, but who have adapter the original twelve step program to a similar program they call their own. But the truth is, we all use the twelve step program in one way or another. You are welcome to call us if you would like further information on the program, or about our drug and alcohol rehab and detox centres.
Residential rehab and detox programmes – Funding available
If you are looking for help for you or a loved one who may be struggling with an alcohol or drug addiction, call us now on Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours) We are always glad to hear from everyone who phones in, and we can help you or a loved one.